TODAY’S GUESTS: David Penn, Patti Lyman + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Yesli Vega, Kelli Ward, Jonny Vieira + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Caroline Jeffords, Scott Gryder, Rep. Buddy Carter + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow.
TODAY’S GUESTS: Col. John Mills, Major Gerald Malloy, Fred Keller + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow.
TODAY’S GUESTS: Phill Kline, Marshall Yates, Jim Bogent + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow.
TODAY’S GUESTS: Carrie DelRosso, John Gibbs + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow.
TODAY’S GUESTS: Doug Mastriano for Governor + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow.
TODAY’S GUESTS: Luke Ball, Courtney Kramer, Liz Harrington+ REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow.
General Don Bolduc Catches Red Wave; Mills on Turkey/Iran drone war; Jeffords on DEMS in Fulton.
TODAY’S GUESTS: Gen. Don Bolduc, Marshall Yates, Byron Donalds + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow.
TODAY’S GUESTS: Bob Burns, Allen Waters, Admiral Chuck Kubic + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow.
TODAY’S GUESTS: Col. John Mills, Jay Blaskey + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow.
TODAY’S GUESTS: John McGuire, Johnny Vieira, Marshall Yates + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Sandy Smith, GOP Candidate NC-01 + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Steve Stern, Sen. Doug Mastriano + REAL AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow