TODAY’S GUESTS: Dr. Vincent Giampapa, Jim Lamon + America Speaks! at 1-888-480-JOHN (5646) and GETTR LIVE! @jfradioshow
Outside the Beltway with John Fredericks – Trump’s Tariffs; Covid’s Bat Deep Fake; Mastriano Means Business + America Speaks! at 1-888-480-JOHN (5646)
Outside the Beltway with John Fredericks – Fredericks Blasts Ronna’s Debate Pledge – We Don’t Have To Do Crap!
TODAY’S GUESTS: Buddy Carter, Phillip Patrick, Matt Strickland, and Outside the Beltway with John Fredericks + America Speaks! at 1-888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Phill Kline, Jim Lamon, Jessica Jackson, Maxine Albert, Bob Good, Glen Sturtevant, Sheriff David Clarke + Outside the Beltway with John Fredericks and America Speaks! at 1-888-480-JOHN (5646) and GETTR LIVE! @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Laura Loomer, Jeffrey Clark, Liz Harrington, Jen Kiggins + AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Brant Frost, Steve Yates, and Doug Mastriano + AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Chris Makuch, Marci McCarthy, Rep. Tom Tiffany, Leon Benjamin + AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Col. Mills, David Penn, Courtney Kramer + AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Phill Kline, Amanda Chase + AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: John Mclaughlin, Katrina Smith, Doug Mastriano + AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Courtney Kramer, Josh McKoon + AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Justin Goodman, Liz Harrington, Peter McCullough + AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Col. John Mills, Chris McDaniel, PhillipPatrick + AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow
TODAY’S GUESTS: Scott Perry, Matt Schlapp + AMERICA SPEAKS at 888-480-JOHN (5646) and on GETTR LIVE @jfradioshow